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1.1 Organisational Capacity Assessment Process

1.1 Organisational Capacity Assessment Process

An organisational analysis always meets some needs and has to be planned and implemented according to the needs and situation. The CA process can be divided into six basic steps:

  1. Defining the need and objectives;
  2. Planning the Organisational Capacity Assessment process;
  3. Defining the capacity areas of the organisation;
  4. Defining indicators for each capacity area;
  5. Preparing the assessment tools and methods;
  6. Defining the organisation’s stages of growth.

The case example from AMREF – Maanisha programme will illustrate step by step how the CAT can be employed in practice.

1.2 Purpose of the CAT

The purpose of the tool is to assist South Sudanese National NGO’s to positively identify their capacity strengths and weaknesses towards the implementation of their organisational mandate in an effective and efficient manner and in compliance of their obligation to donor funding accountability and transparency.

1.3 Purpose of this CAT Guide

This guide is designed to give further elaboration to each of the questions and answers as well as ranking in the CAT for purposes of providing the users of the tool a point of reference in case of clarity seeking.

2.0 CAT Goals and Objectives

2.1 Goal

To strengthen the capacity of the National NGO’s in the Republic of South Sudan and enable them to work effectively.

2.2 Objectives

To identify the various strengths and weaknesses in the composition and functionality of National NGO’s in South Sudan

To assist in identification of a baseline capacity level in an NGO and development of a detailed action plan to guide capacity development and technical assistance to strengthen systems and procedures in the organization
To assist in the mapping of organisational capacity growth over time by implementing the OCA annually.

3.0   Organization Capacity Assessment Guidlines

3.1 Organisation Capacity Ranking

The CAT is composed of five capacity domains, each sub-devided into different sub-domain s as follows;

  • Governance
    • Organisation Mission / Vision / Goal
    • Board of Directors
    • Leadership
    • Legal Status
    • Internal Communication
  • Organisational Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Human Resource Sustainability
    • Office and Asset Management
    • Procurement and Logistics Management
  • Finance Management
    • Book Keeping
    • Budgeting and Budget Management
    • Resource Management
    • Financial Reporting
    • Audit
    • Financial Policies & Procedures
  • Programme Management & Framework
    • Programme / Project Planning
    • Programme / Project Management
    • Monitoring & Evaluation
    • Sub-grantee Partner Management
    • Gender Integration
  • Resource Mobilization & sustainability
    • Programme Sustainability
    • Financial Sustainability
    • Organisational Sustainability
    • Institutional Sustainability
    • Resource Base Sustainability
    • External Relations

For each of the above capacity sub-domains, the tool presents a list of questions to check the organization’s capacity level in that category. There are a total of 248 questions covered under the five capacity domains. Each question can be answered within a score ranging from 1 to 5 (as illustrated below) and the criteria for selecting each score is explained in this CAT User’s Guide.

1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Fairly
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree

3.2   Calculating the Category Average Score

Each category [e.g. Governance, organisation management etc.] consists of a set of questions and each question is scored between 1-5 depending on the respondents’ feedback.
Category Average Score = Total Category Score ÷ Total Questions per category For Example: A National NGO called SSYO completes the CAT governance category section as below Under governance if the below answers were selected based on the NNGO’s feedback

CAT User Guide Pdf